He. Never until this night have I been stirred.The elaborate starlight throws a reflectionOn the dark stream,Till all the eddies gleam;And thereupon there comes that screamFrom terrified, invisible beast or…
Posts published by “suprusr”
I LIVED among great houses,Riches drove out rank,Base drove out the better blood,And mind and body shrank.No Oscar ruled the table,But I’d a troop of friendsThat knowing better talk had…
TIME drops in decay,Like a candle burnt out,And the mountains and woodsHave their day, have their day;What one in the routOf the fire-born moodsHas fallen away?
And thus declared the Arab lady:“Last night where under the wild moonOn grassy mattress I had lain me, Within my arms great Solomon,I suddenly cried out in a strange tongueNot his,…
When all works that haveFrom cradle run to graveFrom grave to cradle run instead;When thoughts that a foolHas wound upon a spoolAre but loose thread, are but loose thread; When…
O SWEET everlasting Voices, be still;Go to the guards of the heavenly foldAnd bid them wander obeying your will,Flame under flame, till Time be no more;Have you not heard that…
THE dews drop slowly and dreams gather: unknownspearsSuddenly hurtle before my dream-awakened eyes,And then the clash of fallen horsemen and the criesOf unknown perishing armies beat about my ears.We who still…
Undying love to buyI wrote uponThe corners of this eyeAll wrongs done.What payment were enoughFor undying love? I broke my heart in twoSo hard I struck.What matter? for I knowThat…
Bring me to the blasted oakThat I, midnight upon the stroke,(All find safety in the tomb.)May call down curses on his headBecause of my dear Jack that’s dead.Coxcomb was the…
I lived among great houses,Riches drove out rank,Base drove out the better blood,And mind and body shrank.No Oscar ruled the table,But I’d a troop of friendsThat knowing better talk had…