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Posts published by “suprusr”

The Old Stone Cross

suprusr 0

A STATESMAN is an easy man,He tells his lies by rote;A journalist makes up his liesAnd takes you by the throat;So stay at home’ and drink your beerAnd let the…

On A Picture Of A Black Centaur By Edmund Dulac

suprusr 0

YOUR hooves have stamped at the black margin of the wood,Even where horrible green parrots call and swing.My works are all stamped down into the sultry mud.I knew that horse-play,…

The Phases Of The Moon

suprusr 0

An old man cocked his car upon a bridge;He and his friend, their faces to the South,Had trod the uneven road.  Their hoots were soiled,Their Connemara cloth worn out of shape;They…

Owen Aherne And His Dancers

suprusr 0

A STRANGE thing surely that my Heart, when love had come unsoughtUpon the Norman upland or in that poplar shade,Should find no burden but itself and yet should be worn…

A Man Young And Old

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IFirst Love THOUGH nurtured like the sailing moonIn beauty’s murderous brood,She walked awhile and blushed awhileAnd on my pathway stoodUntil I thought her body boreA heart of flesh and blood.But…

Swift’s Epitaph

suprusr 0

SWIFT has sailed into his rest;Savage indignation thereCannot lacerate his breast.Imitate him if you dare,World-besotted traveller; heServed human liberty.

The Song Of The Happy Shepherd

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THE woods of Arcady are dead,And over is their antique joy;Of old the world on dreaming fed;Grey Truth is now her painted toy;Yet still she turns her restless head:But O,…

The Harp Of Aengus

suprusr 0

Edain came out of Midhir’s hill, and layBeside young Aengus in his tower of glass,Where time is drowned in odour-laden windsAnd Druid moons, and murmuring of boughs,And sleepy boughs, and…

Old Tom Again

suprusr 0

Things out of perfection sail,And all their swelling canvas wear,Nor shall the self-begotten failThough fantastic men supposeBuilding-yard and stormy shore,Winding-sheet and swaddling–clothes.