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Posts published by “suprusr”

The Shadowy Waters: Introductory Lines

suprusr 0

I walked among the seven woods of Coole:Shan-walla, where a willow-hordered pondGathers the wild duck from the winter dawn;Shady Kyle-dortha; sunnier Kyle-na-no,Where many hundred squirrels are as happyAs though they…

A Nativity

suprusr 0

WHAT woman hugs her infant there?Another star has shot an ear. What made the drapery glisten so?Not a man but Delacroix. What made the ceiling waterproof?Landor’s tarpaulin on the roof…

The Living Beauty

suprusr 0

I BADE, because the wick and oil are spentAnd frozen are the channels of the blood,My discontented heart to draw contentFrom beauty that is cast out of a mouldIn bronze,…

The Ballad Of Moll Magee

suprusr 0

COME round me, little childer;There, don’t fling stones at meBecause I mutter as I go;But pity Moll Magee.My man was a poor fisherWith shore lines in the say;My work was…

To Dorothy Wellesley

suprusr 0

STRETCH towards the moonless midnight of the trees,As though that hand could reach to where they stand,And they but famous old upholsteriesDelightful to the touch; tighten that handAs though to…

The Withering Of The Boughs

suprusr 0

I CRIED when the moon was mutmuring to the birds:“Let peewit call and curlew cry where they will,I long for your merry and tender and pitiful words,For the roads are…

Towards Break Of Day

suprusr 0

WAS it the double of my dreamThe woman that by me layDreamed, or did we halve a dreamUnder the first cold gleam of day?I thought:  “There is a waterfallUpon Ben Bulben…

The Scholars

suprusr 0

Bald heads, forgetful of their sins,Old, learned, respectable bald headsEdit and annotate the linesThat young men, tossing on their beds,Rhymed out in love’s despairTo flatter beauty’s ignorant ear. All shuffle…

A Stick Of Incense

suprusr 0

Whence did all that fury come?From empty tomb or Virgin womb?Saint Joseph thought the world would meltBut liked the way his finger smelt.

The Three Hermits

suprusr 0

THREE old hermits took the airBy a cold and desolate sea,First was muttering a prayer,Second rummaged for a flea;On a windy stone, the third,Giddy with his hundredth year,Sang unnoticed like…