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Posts published by “suprusr”

He Thinks Of Those Who Have Spoken Evil Of His Beloved

suprusr 0

HALF close your eyelids, loosen your hair,And dream about the great and their pride;They have spoken against you everywhere,But weigh this song with the great and their pride;I made it…

The New Faces

suprusr 0

IF you, that have grown old, were the first dead,Neither catalpa tree nor scented limeShould hear my living feet, nor would I treadWhere we wrought that shall break the teeth…

Her Vision In The Wood

suprusr 0

Dry timber under that rich foliage,At wine-dark midnight in the sacred wood,Too old for a man’s love I stood in rageImagining men.  Imagining that I couldA greater with a lesser pang…

In Memory Of Alfred Pollexfen

suprusr 0

FIVE-AND-TWENTY years have goneSince old William pollexfenLaid his strong bones down in deathBy his wife ElizabethIn the grey stone tomb he made.And after twenty years they laidIn that tomb by…

A Man Young And Old: V. The Empty Cup

suprusr 0

A crazy man that found a cup,When all but dead of thirst,Hardly dared to wet his mouthImagining, moon-accursed,That another mouthfulAnd his beating heart would burst.October last I found it tooBut…

The Lady’s Second Song

suprusr 0

WHAT sort of man is comingTo lie between your feet?What matter, we are but women.Wash; make your body sweet;I have cupboards of dried fragrance.I can strew the sheet.The Lord have…

Stream And Sun At Glendalough

suprusr 0

THROUGH intricate motions ranStream and gliding sunAnd all my heart seemed gay:Some stupid thing that I had doneMade my attention stray.Repentance keeps my heart impure;But what am I that dareFancy…

Imitated From The Japanese

suprusr 0

A MOST astonishing thing —Seventy years have I lived; (Hurrah for the flowers of Spring,For Spring is here again.) Seventy years have I livedNo ragged beggar-man,Seventy years have I lived,Seventy…

Quarrel In Old Age

suprusr 0

WHERE had her sweetness gone?What fanatics inventIn this blind bitter town,Fantasy or incidentNot worth thinking of,put her in a rage.I had forgiven enoughThat had forgiven old age.All lives that has…